
Active Duolingo Promo Codes 2024

Do you love learning new languages like French, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, Japanese etc. then Duolingo might help you with that you can learn various languages on Duolingo in a fun and interactive way you have it like a game in which you can learn new words, phrases, and grammar through small lessons, quizzes, and challenges.

There are many ads appare in the app while learning which is sometimes annoying while learning any new language so we have a solution for this with a free Duolingo promo codes from which you can get a premium plan and learn unstoppably and we will also tell you how you can get Duolingo promo codes free.

Duolingo Promo Codes

Promo CodesOffers
DUOLINGO150Save $150 on Duolingo Annual Plan
SPRINGSALE15% off on subscriptions
GENSHINLINGORedeem to get 50% off on your first month of Duolingo Super
REAL20% discount on Duolingo Annual Plan
NEWYOU1000Get 25% off on your Duolingo Annual Plan subscription
BACKTOSCHOOL1030% off all language learning subscriptions
SAVE5050% off on Duolingo Annual Plan
NEWYOU10010% off on Duolingo Annual purchase
DUOLINGOSALE40% off any subscription
TEST6060% off on Duolingo Annual Plan
THANKYOU100Enjoy 1 month free Super Duolingo
DUOLINGO50Get a 50% discount on Duolingo Super subscription
CARYRedeem for a free month of Duolingo Super
TRAVELNOIREGet 1 month free trial of Super Duolingo
SUMMERSALE30% off any subscription
APRILFOOLS2024Free 60 days of Super Duolingo
30OFF30% off all subscription plans
DUOLINGOLEARNRedeem for 40% off on subscriptions
CF510% off Duolingo subscriptions
100OFFFree Duolingo Annual Plan for 1 year
LEARNLANGUAGEGet 1 month free trial with this code
BABBLESave up to $100 on language learning plans
DUOLINGOSALE1515% off on Duolingo Super subscription
20OFFGet 20% off any subscription
LANGUAGELEARN25% off all plans
50OFF50% off Duolingo subscriptions
40OFF40% off on your Annual Plan
60OFF60% off on Duolingo Annual Plan subscriptions

Duolingo Promo Code to get Free Trial

  • Offer: Sign up for the course free of cost applicable for new users only.
  • Offer: Free for your classroom No code Required School Duolingo

Steps to Redeem Duolingo Promo Codes

  • Open the Duolingo app or go to the official website in your browser.
  • Sign in to your Duolingo account.
  • Once logged in, click on the diamond icon on the top.
  • Go to Super Duolingo option.
  • Scroll down to find the Redeem Promo Code option. Click on it.
  • Enter the Promo Code you have and click Apply.
  • Once the code is accepted, you will get a discount or enjoy free access to Duolingo Super, as per the offer.

How to get free Duolingo Promo Codes

Sometimes Duolingo sends out promo codes to subscribers. By signing up for their newsletter, you can get updates on available discounts.

Duolingo also shares promo codes, and host giveaways, or special occasions on their social media platforms like Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook.

RetailMeNot,, or Honey sometimes show Duolingo promo codes.

Duolingo sometimes locally hosts language challenges or special events where they offer Duolingo gift cards as rewards.

you can also get a free trial for some days by inviting your friends to join Duolingo through the referral program.

During also offer time-limited promo codes on holidays or special occasions.



Duolingo is a great and easy way of learning new languages, but ads can be distracting. with Duolingo promo codes, you can unlock Super Duolingo for a no-ad experience. You can stay updated via newsletters, social media, and some coupon sites to get various discounts and free trials offered by Duolingo, making your learning easy and more enjoyable.

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